IPAX solutions for removing the mineral deposits and oxides
To build advantage in competition the companies have to optimize all the processes including cleaning ones. Given the current situation, only the companies bringing efficiency enhancement into focus will survive and succeed.
Principle of process organization
The heat exchanging equipment is cleaned using circulating systems (SIP washers). The process solution circulates in the system and carries over the contamination into the solution. It is also possible to clean by rubbing and immersion method.
Advantages provided by our solutions
— Cost saving up to 30%
— Enhanced cleaning quality
— Enhanced safety of the personnel
— Lower risks of equipment deterioration
— Simplification of the process
— Improving the environmental friendliness of the cleaning process
— Simplification of the process solution disposal
What is important for a cleaning process effectiveness?
Consistently high quality of cleaning
The product composition is specially designed for removing the mineral deposits and oxides.
Safe for equipment
The product reactivity with organic materials (rubber, polymers, and etc.) is restricted, and the charge is transferred more smoothly to the surface, which makes it possible to remove deposits and avoid harm to the surface.
Safe for the personnel
Exlime products are less aggressive to the personal protective means as compared to the conventional acids.
Protection against corrosion
Exlime products have low oxidative potential as compared to the conventional acidic products.
Cost savings
IPAX products are concentrated, in most cases concentration in the process solutions is 1-5%.
Ease of disposal
Exlime series products are household chemicals requiring no special disposal arrangements.